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Microblading is a semi-permanent cosmetic tattooing technique used to enhance or reshape eyebrows. It is a popular procedure in the beauty industry, especially for individuals who want to achieve fuller, more defined eyebrows.

Here's how microblading typically works:

  • Consultation: The process begins with a consultation with a trained and certified microblading artist. During this consultation, you discuss your desired eyebrow shape and color. The artist will also assess your skin type and existing eyebrows to determine the best approach.
  • Design: The artist will create a customized eyebrow design that takes into account your facial features and preferences. They will draw this design on your eyebrows for your approval.
  • Numbing: Before the procedure begins, a topical numbing cream is applied to minimize any potential discomfort during the process.
  • Blading: Using a handheld tool with tiny, fine needles (microblades), the artist makes small, hair-like strokes in the superficial layers of the skin. These strokes are filled with pigment, creating the appearance of individual eyebrow hairs. The strokes are strategically placed to mimic the natural growth pattern of eyebrow hairs.
  • Pigment Application: Pigment is applied to the strokes to give the eyebrows the desired color. The artist may use different shades to create a natural-looking gradient.
  • Healing: After the procedure, the skin will need time to heal. During this period, you might experience some scabbing and flaking. It's essential to follow the artist's aftercare instructions carefully to ensure the best results.
  • Touch-Up: Microblading is a two-step process. A touch-up session is usually scheduled 4-6 weeks after the initial procedure. This session allows the artist to make any necessary adjustments and ensure the color and shape are perfect.

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Thank you innovation care team for the lovely make over. Could never imagine long hair on me. Super duper happy… Ryan sir thank you so much

Zualtei Jenny

Pune, Innovation Care

Great, professional, service. They fixed up my broken nails very well and effortlessly. Really liked the place, very clean and great customer service.

Rasika Mirekar

Pune, Innovation Care

I have been coming to Innovation Care for the past 3-4 years and they always manage to send me back with a big smile of my face and feeling beautiful.

Preeti Ghosh

Pune, Innovation Care

While my experience with innovation care has only been 5 weeks, I can truly say I LOVE them. Yes, there are pros and overall I have had a great experience and they are worth it to me.

Sakshi Ahire

Pune, Innovation Care